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Life is the journey, not the just the destination

Jul 04, 2022
Life is the journey with Hypnotherapy ME

Today I am going to share one of my favourite teachings by Sri Kumar Rao.

He says that goal setting is great for determining our direction but once we have set the goal just forget about it and enjoy the journey.

If we only focus on the goal then we are missing out on 98% of the experience.

I have found so much joy in the journey regardless of if I achieve the goal I initially set or not, I also noticed that while on my journey the goal changes into something even deeper and more meaningful.

The whole of our life is a journey, but we tend to hold ourselves back from many of the things that bring us joy, we make up stupid rules that regulate our life.

Often we are miserable but loyal to the stupid made up rules

We are always waiting until something happens before we allow ourselves to experience what our soul is craving.

My question is what if you weren't sure tomorrow was coming, what if today was your last day on earth? What would you do?

What are you not enjoying today because you think you have to reach a certain benchmark before you can allow yourself to open up & receive.

We only regret the things we don't do, don't waste your life waiting & holding yourself back.

Start your business, pursue your passion, travel, leave the relationship that isn't serving you, honour you today.

No one is coming to save you, this is your life and your story, make it amazing

Sending you all lots of love, I believe in you & if you are feeling stuck, reach out & lets figure it out together

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